Source code for hissp.__main__

# Copyright 2020, 2021 Matthew Egan Odendahl
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Hissp's command-line interface.

import argparse
import re
import sys
import traceback

import hissp.repl
from hissp import VERSION
from hissp.reader import Lissp

[docs]def main(): """ Entry point for the `lissp command`. """ args = _arg_parser().parse_args() sys.argv = [""] __main__ = hissp.repl.force_main() if args.c is not None: _cmd(args, __main__.__dict__) elif args.file is not None: _with_args(args, __main__.__dict__) else: hissp.repl.main(__main__)
def _cmd(args, ns): sys.argv = ["-c"] sys.argv.extend([args.file, *args.args]) args.i("(hissp.._macro_.prelude)\n" + args.c, ns) def _with_args(args, ns): with argparse.FileType("r", encoding="utf8")(args.file) as file: sys.argv = [, *args.args] code = args.i(re.sub("^#!.*\n", "\n", code), ns) def _interact(code, ns): repl = hissp.repl.LisspREPL(locals=ns) repl.lissp.compiler.evaluate = True try: repl.lissp.compile(code) except: traceback.print_exc() finally: repl.lissp.compiler.evaluate = False repl.interact() def _no_interact(code, ns): Lissp(ns=ns, evaluate=True).compile(code) def _arg_parser(): root = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=f"(Hissp {VERSION}) Starts a LisspREPL if there are no arguments." ) _ = root.add_argument _( "-i", action="store_const", const=_interact, default=_no_interact, help="Drop into REPL after the script.", ) _("-c", help="Run this string as main script (with prelude).", metavar="cmd") _("file", nargs="?", help="Run this file as main script. (- for stdin.)") _("args", nargs="*", help="Arguments for the script.") return root if __name__ == "__main__": main()