Macro Tutorial#

Lisp is a higher-level language than Python, in the same sense that Python is a higher-level language than C, and C is a higher-level language than assembly.

In C, abstractions like for-loops and the function call stack are primitives—features built into the language. But in assembly, those are design patterns built with lower-level jumps/GOTOs that have to be repeated each time they’re needed. Things like call stacks had to be discovered and developed and learned as best practice in the more primitive assembly languages. Before the development of the structured programming paradigm, the industry standard was GOTO spaghetti.

Similarly, in Python, abstractions like iterators, classes, higher-order functions, hash tables, and garbage collection are primitives, but in C, those are design patterns, discovered and developed over time as best practice, and built with lower-level parts like arrays, structs, and pointers, which have to be repeated each time they’re needed.

To someone who started out in assembly or BASIC, or C, or even Java, Python seems marvelously high-level, once mastered. Python makes everything that was so tedious before seem so easy.

But the advanced Python developer eventually starts to notice the cracks. You can get a lot further in Python, but like the old GOTO spaghetti code, large enough projects start to collapse under their own weight. Python seemed so easy before, but certain repeated patterns can’t be abstracted away. You’re stuck with a certain amount of boilerplate and ceremony.

Programmers comfortable with C, but unfamiliar with Python, will tend to write C idioms in Python, like using explicit indexes into lists in for-loops over a range, instead of using the list’s iterator directly. Their code is said to be unpythonic. They forgo much of Python’s power, because they don’t know the right idioms.

“Design patterns” and “idioms” in low-level languages are language-level built-in features of higher-level ones. Lisp is even higher-level than that. In Lisp, you don’t have “design patterns” for long, because they are a thing you can abstract to avoid repeating. You can create your own language-level features, because macros give you hooks into the compiler itself.

Lisp can do things you might not have realized were possible. Until you understand what Lisp can do, you’re forgoing much of its power. This is a tutorial, not a reference, and I’ll be explaining not just how to write macros, but why you need them.

If you’re new to Lisp, go back and read the style guide if you haven’t already. Understanding how Lisp is formatted helps you to read it, not just write it. And you will need to read it. Learning to read a new programming language can be difficult, because you’re using up working memory that would otherwise be helping with the meaning of the code on the syntax itself. This does get better with familiarity, because you can offload that part to your long-term memory. That also means that it’s more difficult the more different the new language is from those you already know.

Fortunately, Lissp’s syntax is very minimal, so there’s not that much to remember, and most of the vocabulary you know from Python already. You can skim over the Python in this tutorial, but resist the urge to skim the Lissp. S-expressions are a very direct representation of the same kind of syntax trees that you mentally generate when reading any other programming language. Take your time and comprehend each subexpression instead of taking it in all at once.

The Hissp Primer was mostly about learning how to program with a subset of Python in a new skin. This one is about using that knowledge to reprogram the skin itself.

If you don’t know the basics from the Primer, go back and read that now, or at least read the Lissp Whirlwind Tour.

In the Primer we mostly used the REPL, but it can become tedious to type long forms into the REPL, and it doesn’t save your work. S-expressions are awkward to edit without editor support for them, and the included Lissp REPL is layered on Python’s interactive console, which has only basic line editing support.

The usual workflow when developing Lissp is to create a .lissp file and work in there. Then you can save as you go and send fragments of it to the REPL for evaluation and experimentation. You might already develop Python this way. A good editor can be configured to send selected text to the REPL with a simple keyboard command, but copy-and-paste into a terminal window will do.

Setting up your editor for Lissp is beyond the scope of this tutorial. If you’re not already comfortable with Emacs and Paredit, give Parinfer a try.

Shorter Lambdas#

The defect rate in computer programs seems to be a near-constant fraction of the number of kilobytes of source code. For reasonable line length, it doesn’t seem to matter how much those lines are doing, or what language it’s written in. Code is a liability. It’s that much more space for bugs to hide — that much more you have to read to understand the system. The less code you have, the better, as long as it still gets the job done.

Perhaps this can be taken too far. Code golf is good exercise, not good practice. Eventually, there are diminishing returns, and other costs to consider. But as a rule of thumb, one of the best things you can do to improve a codebase is to make it shorter, almost any way you can. Fewer slightly less-readable lines are much more readable than too many slightly more-readable lines.

Consider Python’s humble lambda. It’s important to programming in the functional style, and central to the way Hissp works, as a compilation target for one of its two special forms. It’s actually really powerful.

But the overhead of typing out a six-letter word might make you a little too reluctant to use it, unlike in Smalltalk where it’s just square brackets, and it’s used all the time in control flow methods.

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could give lambda a shorter name?

L = lambda

Could we then use L in place of lambda? Maybe like this?

squares = map(L x: x * x, range(10))

Alas, this doesn’t work. The L = lambda is a syntax error.

To be fair to Python, I’d use a generator expression here, which is the same length:

squares = map(L x: x * x, range(10))
squares = (x * x for x in range(10))

But I need a simple example, and lambdas are a lot more general:

product = reduce(L a, x: a * x, range(1, 7))

A genexpr doesn’t really help us in a reduce.

They say that in Python everything is an object. But it’s not quite true, is it? lambda isn’t an object in Python. It’s a reserved word, but at run time, that’s not an object. It’s not anything. If you’re rolling your eyes and thinking, “Why would I even expect this to work?” then you’re still thinking inside the Python box.

You can store class and function objects in variables and pass them as arguments to functions in Python. To someone who came from a language without higher-order functions, this feels like breaking the rules. Using it effectively feels like amazing out-of-the-box thinking.

Let’s begin.


Create a Lissp file (perhaps macros.lissp), and open it in your Lisp editor of choice.

Fire up the Lissp REPL in a terminal, or in your editor if it does that, in the same directory as your Lissp file.

Add the prelude to the top of the file:


And push it to the REPL as well:

#> (hissp.._macro_.prelude)
>>> # hissp.._macro_.prelude
... __import__('builtins').exec(
...   ('from functools import partial,reduce\n'
...    'from itertools import *;from operator import *\n'
...    'def engarde(xs,h,f,/,*a,**kw):\n'
...    ' try:return f(*a,**kw)\n'
...    ' except xs as e:return h(e)\n'
...    'def enter(c,f,/,*a):\n'
...    ' with c as C:return f(*a,C)\n'
...    "class Ensue(__import__('').abc.Generator):\n"
...    ' send=lambda s,v:s.g.send(v);throw=lambda s,*x:s.g.throw(*x);F=0;X=();Y=[]\n'
...    ' def __init__(s,p):s.p,s.g,s.n=p,s._(s),s.Y\n'
...    ' def _(s,k,v=None):\n'
...    "  while isinstance(s:=k,__class__) and not setattr(s,'sent',v):\n"
...    '   try:k,y=s.p(s),s.Y;v=(yield from y)if s.F or y is s.n else(yield y)\n'
...    '   except s.X as e:v=e\n'
...    '  return k\n'
...    "_macro_=__import__('types').SimpleNamespace()\n"
...    "try:exec('from hissp.macros._macro_ import *',vars(_macro_))\n"
...    'except ModuleNotFoundError:pass'),
...   __import__('builtins').globals())


The prelude macro overwrites your _macro_ namespace with a copy of the bundled one. Any macros you’ve defined in there are lost. In Lissp files, the prelude is meant to be used before any definitions, when it is used at all. Likewise, in the REPL, enter it first, or be prepared to re-enter your definitions. The REPL already comes with the bundled macros loaded, but not the en- group or imports.

I’ll mostly be showing the REPL from here on. Remember, compose non-trivial forms in your Lissp file first, then push to the REPL, not the other way around. Your editor is for editing. The REPL isn’t good at that. We’ll be modifying these definitions through several iterations.

You can compile your Lissp file to Python using the REPL with a command like

#> (hissp..transpile __package__ 'foo)

where foo is the name of your module (so, macros if your Lissp file was named that).

We’re not actually in a package, so the __package__ argument is just going to resolve to None (empty string also works), but it’s important that you do include it when you are, or the compiler might not be able to resolve names correctly, so it doesn’t hurt to always add it.

You should see a Python file with the same name appear. If you open it in your editor, you should see the compiled prelude, like you saw in the REPL.

Start a subREPL in the new Python module. The command is like

#> (hissp..interact (vars foo.))

And confirm that __name__ resolves to your foo. If you need to, you can quit the subREPL and return to main by entering an EOF. (That’s Ctrl+D, if you didn’t know, or Ctrl+Z Enter, for the Windows terminal.) It’s just a subREPL, so this doesn’t exit Python. Any globals you defined in the module will still be there.

Now, let’s try that same idea in Lissp:

#> (define L lambda)
>>> # define
... __import__('builtins').globals().update(
...   L=lambda)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<console>", line 5
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Still a syntax error. The problem is that we tried to evaluate the lambda before the assignment. You can use Hissp’s other special form, quote, to prevent evaluation.

#> (define L 'lambda)
>>> # define
... __import__('builtins').globals().update(
...   L='lambda')

OK, but that just turned it into a string. We could have done that much in Python:

>>> L = 'lambda'

That worked, but can we use it?

>>> squares = map(L x: x * x, range(10))
Traceback (most recent call last):
  squares = map(L x: x * x, range(10))
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Another syntax error. No surprise.

Write the equivalent example in your Lissp file and push it to the REPL:

#> (define squares (map (L (x)
#..                       (mul x x))
#..                     (range 10)))
>>> # define
... __import__('builtins').globals().update(
...   squares=map(
...             L(
...               x(),
...               mul(
...                 x,
...                 x)),
...             range(
...               (10))))
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<console>", line 7, in <module>
NameError: name 'x' is not defined

Not a syntax error, but it’s not working either. Why not? Quote the whole thing to see the Hissp code.

#> '(define squares (map (L (x)
#..                        (mul x x))
#..                      (range 10)))
>>> ('define',
...  'squares',
...  ('map',
...   ('L',
...    ('x',),
...    ('mul',
...     'x',
...     'x',),),
...   ('range',
...    (10),),),)
('define', 'squares', ('map', ('L', ('x',), ('mul', 'x', 'x')), ('range', 10)))

We don’t want that 'L' string in the Hissp, but 'lambda'. Hissp isn’t compiling it like a special form. Is that possible?

It is with one more step. We want to dereference this at read time. Inject:

#> (define squares (map (.#L (x)
#..                       (mul x x))
#..                     (range 10)))
>>> # define
... __import__('builtins').globals().update(
...   squares=map(
...             (lambda x:
...               mul(
...                 x,
...                 x)),
...             range(
...               (10))))

#> (list squares)
>>> list(
...   squares)
[0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81]


Those of you who started with Python might be a little impressed, but you C people are thinking, “Yeah, that’s just a macro. We can do that much in C with the preprocessor. I bet we could preprocess Python too somehow.” To which I’d reply, What do you think Lissp is?

Lissp is a transpiler. It’s much more powerful than the C preprocessor, but despite this it is also less error prone, because it mostly operates on the more structured AST rather than text.

Since Python is supposed to be such a marvelously high-level language compared to C that it doesn’t need a preprocessor, can’t it do that too?

No, it really can’t:

>>> squares = map(eval(f"{L} x: x * x"), range(10))
>>> list(squares)
[0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81]

Sometimes higher-level tools cut you off from the lower level. You can get pretty close to the same idea, but that’s about the best Python can do. Compare:

eval(f"{L} x: x * x")
lambda x: x * x

It didn’t help, did it? It got longer. Can we do better?

>>> e = eval
e(f"{L} x:x*x")
lambda x:x*x

Nope. And there are good reasons to avoid eval in Python: We have to compile code at run time, and put more than we wanted to in a string, and deal with separate namespaces. Ick. Lissp had none of those problems.

This simple substitution metaprogramming task that was so easy in Lissp was so awkward in Python.

But Lissp does more than substitutions.

Simple Compiler Macros#

Despite my recent boasting, our Lissp version is not actually shorter than Python’s yet:

(.#L (x)
  (mul x x))
lambda x: x * x

If you like, we can give mul a shorter name:

#> (define * mul)
>>> # define
... __import__('builtins').globals().update(
...   QzSTAR_=mul)

And the params tuple doesn’t technically have to be a tuple:

(.#L x (* x x))
lambda x: x * x

Symbols become strings at the Hissp level, which are iterables containing character strings. This only works because the variable name is a single character. Now we’re at the same length as Python.

Let’s make it even shorter.

Given a tuple containing the minimum amount of information, we want expand that into the necessary code using a macro.

Isn’t there something extra here we could get rid of? With a compiler macro, we won’t need the inject.

The template needs to look something like (lambda <params> <body>). Try this definition.

(defmacro L (params : :* body)
  `(lambda ,params ,@body))
#> (list (map (L x (* x x))
#..           (range 10)))
>>> list(
...   map(
...     # L
...     (lambda x:
...       QzSTAR_(
...         x,
...         x)),
...     range(
...       (10))))
[0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81]

Success. Now compare:

(L x (* x x))
lambda x: x * x

Are we doing better? Barely. If we remove the spaces that aren’t required:

(L x(* x x))
lambda x:x*x

We’ve caught up to where Python started. But is this really the minimum amount of information required? It depends on how general you need to be, but wouldn’t this be enough?

(L * X X)

We need to expand that into this:

(lambda (X)
  (* X X))

So the template would look something like this:

(lambda (X)

Remember this is basically the same as that anaphoric macro we did in the Hissp Primer.

(defmacro L (: :* expr)
  `(lambda (,'X) ; Interpolate anaphors to prevent qualification!
#> (list (map (L * X X) (range 10)))
>>> list(
...   map(
...     # L
...     (lambda X:
...       QzSTAR_(
...         X,
...         X)),
...     range(
...       (10))))
[0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81]

Now we’re shorter than Python:

(L * X X)
lambda x:x*x

But we’re also less general. We can change the expression, but we’ve hardcoded the parameters to it. The fixed parameter name is fine as long unless it shadows a nonlocal we need, but what if we needed two parameters? Could we make a macro for that?

Think about it.

Seriously, close your eyes and think about it for at least fifteen seconds before moving on.

Don’t generalize before we have examples to work with.

I’ll wait.

















(defmacro L2 (: :* expr)
  `(lambda (,'X ,'Y)
#> (L2 * X Y)
>>> # L2
... (lambda X,Y:
...   QzSTAR_(
...     X,
...     Y))
<function <lambda> at ...>

That’s another easy template. Between L and L2, we’ve probably covered the Pareto 80% majority of short-lambda use cases. But you can see the pattern now. We could continue to an L3 with a Z parameter, and then we’ve run out of alphabet.

When you see a “design pattern” in Lissp, you don’t keep repeating it.

Nothing Is Above Abstraction#

Are you ready for this? You’ve seen all these pieces before, even if you haven’t realized they could be used this way.

Don’t panic.

#> .#`(progn ,@(map (lambda (i)
#..                   `(defmacro ,(.format "L{}" i)
#..                              (: :* $#expr)
#..                      `(lambda ,',(getitem "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" (slice i))
#..                         ,$#expr)))
#..                 (range 27)))
>>> # __main__.._macro_.progn
... (lambda :(
...   # __main__.._macro_.defmacro
...   # hissp.macros.._macro_.let
...   (lambda _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn=(lambda *_QzQ46NYXTBz_expr:
...     (lambda * _: _)(
...       'lambda',
...       '',
...       _QzQ46NYXTBz_expr)):(
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn,
...       '__qualname__',
...       ('.').join(
...         ('_macro_',
...          'L0',))),
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       __import__('operator').getitem(
...         __import__('builtins').globals(),
...         '_macro_'),
...       'L0',
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn))[-1])(),
...   # __main__.._macro_.defmacro
...   # hissp.macros.._macro_.let
...   (lambda _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn=(lambda *_QzQ46NYXTBz_expr:
...     (lambda * _: _)(
...       'lambda',
...       'A',
...       _QzQ46NYXTBz_expr)):(
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn,
...       '__qualname__',
...       ('.').join(
...         ('_macro_',
...          'L1',))),
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       __import__('operator').getitem(
...         __import__('builtins').globals(),
...         '_macro_'),
...       'L1',
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn))[-1])(),
...   # __main__.._macro_.defmacro
...   # hissp.macros.._macro_.let
...   (lambda _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn=(lambda *_QzQ46NYXTBz_expr:
...     (lambda * _: _)(
...       'lambda',
...       'AB',
...       _QzQ46NYXTBz_expr)):(
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn,
...       '__qualname__',
...       ('.').join(
...         ('_macro_',
...          'L2',))),
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       __import__('operator').getitem(
...         __import__('builtins').globals(),
...         '_macro_'),
...       'L2',
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn))[-1])(),
...   # __main__.._macro_.defmacro
...   # hissp.macros.._macro_.let
...   (lambda _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn=(lambda *_QzQ46NYXTBz_expr:
...     (lambda * _: _)(
...       'lambda',
...       'ABC',
...       _QzQ46NYXTBz_expr)):(
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn,
...       '__qualname__',
...       ('.').join(
...         ('_macro_',
...          'L3',))),
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       __import__('operator').getitem(
...         __import__('builtins').globals(),
...         '_macro_'),
...       'L3',
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn))[-1])(),
...   # __main__.._macro_.defmacro
...   # hissp.macros.._macro_.let
...   (lambda _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn=(lambda *_QzQ46NYXTBz_expr:
...     (lambda * _: _)(
...       'lambda',
...       'ABCD',
...       _QzQ46NYXTBz_expr)):(
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn,
...       '__qualname__',
...       ('.').join(
...         ('_macro_',
...          'L4',))),
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       __import__('operator').getitem(
...         __import__('builtins').globals(),
...         '_macro_'),
...       'L4',
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn))[-1])(),
...   # __main__.._macro_.defmacro
...   # hissp.macros.._macro_.let
...   (lambda _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn=(lambda *_QzQ46NYXTBz_expr:
...     (lambda * _: _)(
...       'lambda',
...       'ABCDE',
...       _QzQ46NYXTBz_expr)):(
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn,
...       '__qualname__',
...       ('.').join(
...         ('_macro_',
...          'L5',))),
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       __import__('operator').getitem(
...         __import__('builtins').globals(),
...         '_macro_'),
...       'L5',
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn))[-1])(),
...   # __main__.._macro_.defmacro
...   # hissp.macros.._macro_.let
...   (lambda _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn=(lambda *_QzQ46NYXTBz_expr:
...     (lambda * _: _)(
...       'lambda',
...       'ABCDEF',
...       _QzQ46NYXTBz_expr)):(
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn,
...       '__qualname__',
...       ('.').join(
...         ('_macro_',
...          'L6',))),
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       __import__('operator').getitem(
...         __import__('builtins').globals(),
...         '_macro_'),
...       'L6',
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn))[-1])(),
...   # __main__.._macro_.defmacro
...   # hissp.macros.._macro_.let
...   (lambda _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn=(lambda *_QzQ46NYXTBz_expr:
...     (lambda * _: _)(
...       'lambda',
...       'ABCDEFG',
...       _QzQ46NYXTBz_expr)):(
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn,
...       '__qualname__',
...       ('.').join(
...         ('_macro_',
...          'L7',))),
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       __import__('operator').getitem(
...         __import__('builtins').globals(),
...         '_macro_'),
...       'L7',
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn))[-1])(),
...   # __main__.._macro_.defmacro
...   # hissp.macros.._macro_.let
...   (lambda _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn=(lambda *_QzQ46NYXTBz_expr:
...     (lambda * _: _)(
...       'lambda',
...       'ABCDEFGH',
...       _QzQ46NYXTBz_expr)):(
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn,
...       '__qualname__',
...       ('.').join(
...         ('_macro_',
...          'L8',))),
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       __import__('operator').getitem(
...         __import__('builtins').globals(),
...         '_macro_'),
...       'L8',
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn))[-1])(),
...   # __main__.._macro_.defmacro
...   # hissp.macros.._macro_.let
...   (lambda _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn=(lambda *_QzQ46NYXTBz_expr:
...     (lambda * _: _)(
...       'lambda',
...       'ABCDEFGHI',
...       _QzQ46NYXTBz_expr)):(
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn,
...       '__qualname__',
...       ('.').join(
...         ('_macro_',
...          'L9',))),
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       __import__('operator').getitem(
...         __import__('builtins').globals(),
...         '_macro_'),
...       'L9',
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn))[-1])(),
...   # __main__.._macro_.defmacro
...   # hissp.macros.._macro_.let
...   (lambda _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn=(lambda *_QzQ46NYXTBz_expr:
...     (lambda * _: _)(
...       'lambda',
...       'ABCDEFGHIJ',
...       _QzQ46NYXTBz_expr)):(
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn,
...       '__qualname__',
...       ('.').join(
...         ('_macro_',
...          'L10',))),
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       __import__('operator').getitem(
...         __import__('builtins').globals(),
...         '_macro_'),
...       'L10',
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn))[-1])(),
...   # __main__.._macro_.defmacro
...   # hissp.macros.._macro_.let
...   (lambda _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn=(lambda *_QzQ46NYXTBz_expr:
...     (lambda * _: _)(
...       'lambda',
...       'ABCDEFGHIJK',
...       _QzQ46NYXTBz_expr)):(
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn,
...       '__qualname__',
...       ('.').join(
...         ('_macro_',
...          'L11',))),
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       __import__('operator').getitem(
...         __import__('builtins').globals(),
...         '_macro_'),
...       'L11',
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn))[-1])(),
...   # __main__.._macro_.defmacro
...   # hissp.macros.._macro_.let
...   (lambda _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn=(lambda *_QzQ46NYXTBz_expr:
...     (lambda * _: _)(
...       'lambda',
...       'ABCDEFGHIJKL',
...       _QzQ46NYXTBz_expr)):(
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn,
...       '__qualname__',
...       ('.').join(
...         ('_macro_',
...          'L12',))),
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       __import__('operator').getitem(
...         __import__('builtins').globals(),
...         '_macro_'),
...       'L12',
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn))[-1])(),
...   # __main__.._macro_.defmacro
...   # hissp.macros.._macro_.let
...   (lambda _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn=(lambda *_QzQ46NYXTBz_expr:
...     (lambda * _: _)(
...       'lambda',
...       'ABCDEFGHIJKLM',
...       _QzQ46NYXTBz_expr)):(
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn,
...       '__qualname__',
...       ('.').join(
...         ('_macro_',
...          'L13',))),
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       __import__('operator').getitem(
...         __import__('builtins').globals(),
...         '_macro_'),
...       'L13',
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn))[-1])(),
...   # __main__.._macro_.defmacro
...   # hissp.macros.._macro_.let
...   (lambda _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn=(lambda *_QzQ46NYXTBz_expr:
...     (lambda * _: _)(
...       'lambda',
...       _QzQ46NYXTBz_expr)):(
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn,
...       '__qualname__',
...       ('.').join(
...         ('_macro_',
...          'L14',))),
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       __import__('operator').getitem(
...         __import__('builtins').globals(),
...         '_macro_'),
...       'L14',
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn))[-1])(),
...   # __main__.._macro_.defmacro
...   # hissp.macros.._macro_.let
...   (lambda _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn=(lambda *_QzQ46NYXTBz_expr:
...     (lambda * _: _)(
...       'lambda',
...       _QzQ46NYXTBz_expr)):(
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn,
...       '__qualname__',
...       ('.').join(
...         ('_macro_',
...          'L15',))),
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       __import__('operator').getitem(
...         __import__('builtins').globals(),
...         '_macro_'),
...       'L15',
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn))[-1])(),
...   # __main__.._macro_.defmacro
...   # hissp.macros.._macro_.let
...   (lambda _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn=(lambda *_QzQ46NYXTBz_expr:
...     (lambda * _: _)(
...       'lambda',
...       _QzQ46NYXTBz_expr)):(
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn,
...       '__qualname__',
...       ('.').join(
...         ('_macro_',
...          'L16',))),
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       __import__('operator').getitem(
...         __import__('builtins').globals(),
...         '_macro_'),
...       'L16',
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn))[-1])(),
...   # __main__.._macro_.defmacro
...   # hissp.macros.._macro_.let
...   (lambda _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn=(lambda *_QzQ46NYXTBz_expr:
...     (lambda * _: _)(
...       'lambda',
...       _QzQ46NYXTBz_expr)):(
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn,
...       '__qualname__',
...       ('.').join(
...         ('_macro_',
...          'L17',))),
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       __import__('operator').getitem(
...         __import__('builtins').globals(),
...         '_macro_'),
...       'L17',
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn))[-1])(),
...   # __main__.._macro_.defmacro
...   # hissp.macros.._macro_.let
...   (lambda _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn=(lambda *_QzQ46NYXTBz_expr:
...     (lambda * _: _)(
...       'lambda',
...       _QzQ46NYXTBz_expr)):(
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn,
...       '__qualname__',
...       ('.').join(
...         ('_macro_',
...          'L18',))),
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       __import__('operator').getitem(
...         __import__('builtins').globals(),
...         '_macro_'),
...       'L18',
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn))[-1])(),
...   # __main__.._macro_.defmacro
...   # hissp.macros.._macro_.let
...   (lambda _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn=(lambda *_QzQ46NYXTBz_expr:
...     (lambda * _: _)(
...       'lambda',
...       _QzQ46NYXTBz_expr)):(
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn,
...       '__qualname__',
...       ('.').join(
...         ('_macro_',
...          'L19',))),
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       __import__('operator').getitem(
...         __import__('builtins').globals(),
...         '_macro_'),
...       'L19',
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn))[-1])(),
...   # __main__.._macro_.defmacro
...   # hissp.macros.._macro_.let
...   (lambda _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn=(lambda *_QzQ46NYXTBz_expr:
...     (lambda * _: _)(
...       'lambda',
...       _QzQ46NYXTBz_expr)):(
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn,
...       '__qualname__',
...       ('.').join(
...         ('_macro_',
...          'L20',))),
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       __import__('operator').getitem(
...         __import__('builtins').globals(),
...         '_macro_'),
...       'L20',
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn))[-1])(),
...   # __main__.._macro_.defmacro
...   # hissp.macros.._macro_.let
...   (lambda _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn=(lambda *_QzQ46NYXTBz_expr:
...     (lambda * _: _)(
...       'lambda',
...       _QzQ46NYXTBz_expr)):(
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn,
...       '__qualname__',
...       ('.').join(
...         ('_macro_',
...          'L21',))),
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       __import__('operator').getitem(
...         __import__('builtins').globals(),
...         '_macro_'),
...       'L21',
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn))[-1])(),
...   # __main__.._macro_.defmacro
...   # hissp.macros.._macro_.let
...   (lambda _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn=(lambda *_QzQ46NYXTBz_expr:
...     (lambda * _: _)(
...       'lambda',
...       _QzQ46NYXTBz_expr)):(
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn,
...       '__qualname__',
...       ('.').join(
...         ('_macro_',
...          'L22',))),
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       __import__('operator').getitem(
...         __import__('builtins').globals(),
...         '_macro_'),
...       'L22',
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn))[-1])(),
...   # __main__.._macro_.defmacro
...   # hissp.macros.._macro_.let
...   (lambda _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn=(lambda *_QzQ46NYXTBz_expr:
...     (lambda * _: _)(
...       'lambda',
...       _QzQ46NYXTBz_expr)):(
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn,
...       '__qualname__',
...       ('.').join(
...         ('_macro_',
...          'L23',))),
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       __import__('operator').getitem(
...         __import__('builtins').globals(),
...         '_macro_'),
...       'L23',
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn))[-1])(),
...   # __main__.._macro_.defmacro
...   # hissp.macros.._macro_.let
...   (lambda _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn=(lambda *_QzQ46NYXTBz_expr:
...     (lambda * _: _)(
...       'lambda',
...       _QzQ46NYXTBz_expr)):(
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn,
...       '__qualname__',
...       ('.').join(
...         ('_macro_',
...          'L24',))),
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       __import__('operator').getitem(
...         __import__('builtins').globals(),
...         '_macro_'),
...       'L24',
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn))[-1])(),
...   # __main__.._macro_.defmacro
...   # hissp.macros.._macro_.let
...   (lambda _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn=(lambda *_QzQ46NYXTBz_expr:
...     (lambda * _: _)(
...       'lambda',
...       _QzQ46NYXTBz_expr)):(
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn,
...       '__qualname__',
...       ('.').join(
...         ('_macro_',
...          'L25',))),
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       __import__('operator').getitem(
...         __import__('builtins').globals(),
...         '_macro_'),
...       'L25',
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn))[-1])(),
...   # __main__.._macro_.defmacro
...   # hissp.macros.._macro_.let
...   (lambda _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn=(lambda *_QzQ46NYXTBz_expr:
...     (lambda * _: _)(
...       'lambda',
...       _QzQ46NYXTBz_expr)):(
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn,
...       '__qualname__',
...       ('.').join(
...         ('_macro_',
...          'L26',))),
...     __import__('builtins').setattr(
...       __import__('operator').getitem(
...         __import__('builtins').globals(),
...         '_macro_'),
...       'L26',
...       _QzAW22OE5Kz_fn))[-1])())[-1])()


That little bit of Lissp expanded into that much Python. It totally works too.

#> ((L3 add C (add A B))
#.. "A" "B" "C")
>>> # L3
... (lambda A,B,C:
...   add(
...     C,
...     add(
...       A,
...       B)))(
...   ('A'),
...   ('B'),
...   ('C'))

#> (L26)
>>> # L26
... (lambda A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z:())
<function <lambda> at ...>

#> (L13)
>>> # L13
... (lambda A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M:())
<function <lambda> at ...>

#> ((L0 print "Hello, World!"))
>>> # L0
... (lambda :
...   print(
...     ('Hello, World!')))()
Hello, World!

How does this work? I don’t blame you for glossing over the Python output. It’s pretty big this time. I mostly ignore it when it gets longer than a few lines, unless there’s something in particular I’m looking for.

But let’s look at this Lissp snippet again, more carefully.

.#`(progn ,@(map (lambda (i)
                   `(defmacro ,(.format "L{}" i)
                              (: :* $#expr)
                      `(lambda ,',(getitem "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" (slice i))
                 (range 27)))

It’s injecting some Hissp we generated with a template. Those are the first two reader macros .# (inject) and ` (template quote). The progn sequences multiple expressions for their side effects. It’s like having multiple “statements” in a single expression. We splice in multiple expressions generated with a map. The map generates a code tuple for each integer from the range.

The lambda takes the int i from the range and produces a defmacro form, (not a macro, the code for defining one) which, when run in the progn by our inject, will define a macro.

Nothing is above abstraction in Lissp. defmacro forms are still code, and Hissp code is made of data structures we can manipulate programmatically. We can make them with templates like anything else.

We need to give each one a different name, so we combine the i with "L".

The parameters tuple for defmacro contains a gensym, $#expr, since it shouldn’t be qualified and it doesn’t need to be an anaphor.

The next part is tricky. We’ve directly nested a template inside another one, without unquoting it first, because the defmacro also needed a template to work. Note that you can unquote through nested templates. This is an important capability, but it’s a little mind-bending.

Finally, we slice the params string to the appropriate number of characters.

Take a breath. We’re not done.

Macros Can Read Code Too.#

We’re still providing more information than is required. You have to change the name of your macro based on the number of arguments you expect. But can’t the macro infer this based on which parameters your expression contains?

Also, we’re kind of running out of alphabet when we start on X, You often see 4-D vectors labeled (x, y, z, w), but beyond that, mathematicians just number them with subscripts.

We got around this by starting at A instead, but then we’re using up all of the uppercase ASCII one-character names. We might want to save those for other things. We’re also limited to 26 parameters this way. It’s rare that we’d need more than three or four, but 26 seems kind of arbitrary.

So a better approach might be with numbered parameters, like X1, X2, X3, etc. Then, if you macro is smart enough, it can look for the highest X-number in your expression and automatically provide that many parameters for you.

We can create numbered X’s the same way we created the numbered L’s.

(defmacro L (number : :* expr)
  `(lambda ,(map (lambda (i)
                   (.format "X{}" i))
                 (range 1 (add 1 number)))


Oh, by the way, we’ve been pushing individual forms to the subREPL up till now, but it’s sometimes more convenient to save, recompile, and reload the whole module. Comment out anything you don’t want loaded. You can still push them later. A _# can discard a tuple and everything in it. (Although it still gets read.) You already know how to compile. No, you don’t have to restart the REPL! importlib.reload. See also, defonce, The del statement.

#> (L 10)
>>> # L
... (lambda X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X6,X7,X8,X9,X10:())
<function <lambda> at ...>

#> ((L 2 add X1 X2) "A" "B")
>>> # L
... (lambda X1,X2:
...   add(
...     X1,
...     X2))(
...   ('A'),
...   ('B'))

This version uses a number as the first argument instead of baking them into the macro names. We’re using numbered parameters now, so there’s no limit. That takes care of generating the parameters, but we’re still providing a redundant expected number for them.

Let’s make a slight tweak.

(defmacro L (: :* expr)
  `(lambda ,(map (lambda (i)
                   (.format "X{}" i))
                 (range 1 (add 1 (max-X expr))))

What is this max-X? It’s a venerable design technique known as wishful thinking. We haven’t implemented it yet. This doesn’t work. But we wish it would find the maximum X number in the expression.

Can we just iterate through the expression and check?

(define max-X
  (lambda (expr)
    (max (map (lambda (x)
                (|| (when (is_ str (type x))
                      (let (match (re..fullmatch "X([1-9][0-9]*)" x))
                        (when match
                          (int (.group match 1)))))

Does that make sense? Read the definition carefully. You can view the docs for any bundled macro you don’t recognize in the REPL like (help, but you might prefer searching the rendered version in the API docs. Most have documented usage examples you can experiment with in the REPL. We’re using them to coalesce Python’s awkward regex matches, which can return None, into a 0, unless it’s a string with a match.

It gets the parameters right:

#> ((L add X2 X1) : :* "AB")
>>> # L
... (lambda X1,X2:
...   add(
...     X2,
...     X1))(
...   *('AB'))

Pretty cool.

#> ((L add X1 (add X2 X3))
#.. : :* "BAR")
>>> # L
... (lambda X1:
...   add(
...     X1,
...     add(
...       X2,
...       X3)))(
...   *('BAR'))
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<console>", line 2, in <module>
TypeError: <lambda>() takes 1 positional argument but 3 were given

Oh. Not that easy. What happened? The error message says that lambda only took one parameter, even though the expression contained an X3.

We need to be able to check for symbols nested in tuples. This sounds like a job for recursion.

(define flatten
  (lambda (form)
    chain#(map (lambda x
                 (if-else (is_ (type x) tuple)
                   (flatten x)

More bundled macros here. Search Hissp’s docs if you can’t figure out what they do.

Flatten is a good utility to have for macros that have to read code.

Now we can fix max-X.

(define max-X
  (lambda (expr)
    (max (map (lambda (x)
                (|| (when (is_ str (type x))
                      (let (match (re..fullmatch "X([1-9][0-9]*)" x))
                        (when match
                          (int (.group match 1)))))
              (flatten expr)))))

Let’s try again.

#> ((L add X1 (add X2 X3))
#.. : :* "BAR")
>>> # L
... (lambda X1,X2,X3:
...   add(
...     X1,
...     add(
...       X2,
...       X3)))(
...   *('BAR'))

Try doing that with the C preprocessor!

Function Literals#

Let’s review. The code you need to make the version we have so far is


(defmacro L (: :* expr)
  `(lambda ,(map (lambda (i)
                   (.format "X{}" i))
                 (range 1 (add 1 (max-X expr))))

(define max-X
  (lambda (expr)
    (max (map (lambda (x)
                (|| (when (is_ str (type x))
                      (let (match (re..fullmatch "X([1-9][0-9]*)" x))
                        (when match
                          (int (.group match 1)))))
              (flatten expr)))))

(define flatten
  (lambda (form)
    chain#(map (lambda x
                 (if-else (is_ (type x) tuple)
                   (flatten x)


Is there more than that in your file? If you’ve been composing in your editor (rather than directly in the REPL) like you’re supposed to, you’ve probably accumulated some junk from experiments. Don’t delete it yet! Experiments often make excellent test cases. Wrap them in top-level assure forms. In a larger project, you might move them to unittest modules. Additionally, the Lissp REPL was designed for compatibility with doctest, although that won’t test the compilation from Lissp to Python (making it less useful for testing macros).

Given all of this in a file named macros.lissp, you can start a subREPL with these already loaded using the shell command

$ lissp -ic "(hissp..interact (vars macros.))"

rather than pasting them all in again.

To use your macros from other Lissp modules, use their fully-qualified names, abbreviate the qualifier with alias, or (if you must) attach them to your current module’s _macro_ object. That last one would require that your macros also be available at run time, although there are ways to avoid that if you need to. See the prelude expansion for a hint.

You can use the resulting macro as a shorter lambda for higher-order functions:

#> (list (map (L add X1 X1) (range 10)))
>>> list(
...   map(
...     # L
...     (lambda X1:
...       add(
...         X1,
...         X1)),
...     range(
...       (10))))
[0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18]

It’s still a little awkward. It feels like the add should be in the first position, but that’s taken by the L. We can fix that with a reader macro.

Reader Syntax#

To use reader macros unqualified, you must define them in _macro_ with a name ending in a #.

(defmacro X\# (expr)
  `(L ,@expr))

We have to escape the # with a backslash or the reader will recognize the name as a macro rather than a symbol and immediately try to apply it to (expr), which is not what we want. Notice that we still used a defmacro, like we do for compiler macros. It’s the way you invoke it (with a reader tag#) that makes it happen at read time:

#> (list (map X#(add X1 X1) ; Read-time expansion.
#..           (range 10)))
>>> list(
...   map(
...     # __main__.._macro_.L
...     (lambda X1:
...       add(
...         X1,
...         X1)),
...     range(
...       (10))))
[0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18]

#> (list (map (X\# (add X1 X1)) ; Compile-time expansion.
#..           (range 10)))
>>> list(
...   map(
...     # XQzHASH_
...     # __main__.._macro_.L
...     (lambda X1:
...       add(
...         X1,
...         X1)),
...     range(
...       (10))))
[0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18]


Avoid side effects in reader macros.

Well-written reader macros should not have side effects at read time, or at least make them idempotent. Tooling that reads Lissp may have to backtrack or restart reading of an invalid form. E.g. before compiling a form, the bundled LisspREPL attempts to read it to see if it is complete. If it isn’t, it will ask for another line and attempt to read it again. Thus, a reader macro on the first line will get evaluated again for each line input after, until the form is completed or aborted.

Reader macros like this effectively create new reader syntax by reinterpreting existing reader syntax.

So now we have function literals.

These are very similar to the function literals in Clojure, and we implemented them from scratch in about a page of Lissp code. That’s the power of metaprogramming. You can copy features from other languages, tweak them, and experiment with your own.

Clojure’s version still has a couple more features. Let’s add them.

Catch-All Parameter#

(defmacro L (: :* expr)
  `(lambda (,@(map (lambda (i)
                     (.format "X{}" i))
                   (range 1 (add 1 (max-X expr))))
            ,@(when (contains (flatten expr)
                `(:* ,'Xi)))
#> (X#(print X1 X2 Xi) 1 2 3 4 5)
>>> # __main__.._macro_.L
... (lambda X1,X2,*Xi:
...   print(
...     X1,
...     X2,
...     Xi))(
...   (1),
...   (2),
...   (3),
...   (4),
...   (5))
1 2 (3, 4, 5)

How does it work? Look at what’s changed. Here they are again.

;; old version
(defmacro L (: :* expr)
  `(lambda ,(map (lambda (i)
                   (.format "X{}" i))
                 (range 1 (add 1 (max-X expr))))

;; new version
(defmacro L (: :* expr)
  `(lambda (,@(map (lambda (i)
                     (.format "X{}" i))
                   (range 1 (add 1 (max-X expr))))
            ,@(when (contains (flatten expr)
                `(:* ,'Xi)))

We splice the result of the logic that made the numbered parameters from the old version into the new parameters tuple. Following that is the colon separator. Remember that it’s always allowed in Hissp’s lambda forms, even if you don’t need it, which makes this kind of metaprogramming easier.

Following that is the code for a star arg. The Xi is an anaphor, so it must be interpolated into the template to prevent automatic qualification. The when macro will return an empty tuple when its condition is false. Attempting to splice in an empty tuple conveniently doesn’t do anything (like “nil punning” in other Lisps), so the Xi anaphor is only present in the parameters tuple when the (flattened) expr contains it.

Implied Number 1#

Clojure’s version has one more feature: the name of the first parameter doesn’t need the 1, but it’s allowed.

The more special cases you have to add, the more complex the macro might get.

Here you go:

(defmacro L (: :* expr)
  `(lambda (,@(map (lambda (i)
                     (.format "X{}" i))
                   (range 1 (add 1 (|| (max-X expr)
                                       (contains (flatten expr)
            ,@(when (contains (flatten expr)
                `(:* ,'Xi)))
     ,(if-else (contains (flatten expr)
        `(let (,'X ,'X1)
#> (list (map X#(add X X1) (range 10)))
>>> list(
...   map(
...     # __main__.._macro_.L
...     (lambda X1:
...       # __main__.._macro_.let
...       (lambda X=X1:
...         add(
...           X,
...           X1))()),
...     range(
...       (10))))
[0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18]

Now both X and X1 refer to the same value, even if you mix them.

Read the macro and its outputs carefully. This version uses a bool pun. Recall that False is a special case of 0 and True is a special case of 1 in Python.


Are we shorter than Python now?

lambda x:x*x
%#(* % %)

Did we lose generality? Yes, but not much. You can’t really nest these. The parameters get generated even if the only occurrence in the expression is quoted. This is the kind of thing to be aware of. If you’re not sure about something, try it in the REPL. But Clojure’s version has the same problems, and it gets used quite a lot.

Why You Should Be Reluctant to Use Python Injections#

Suppose we wanted to use Python infix notation for a complex formula.

Do you see the problem with this?

%#(.#"(-%2 + (%2**2 - 4*%1*%3)**0.5)/(2*%1)")

This was supposed to be the quadratic formula. The % is an operator in Python, and it can’t be unary. In an injection you would have to spell it using the munged name QzPCENT_. But what if we had kept the X?

#> X#(.#"(-X2 + (X2**2 - 4*X1*X3)**0.5)/(2*X1)")
>>> # __main__.._macro_.L
... (lambda :(-X2 + (X2**2 - 4*X1*X3)**0.5)/(2*X1)())
<function <lambda> at ...>

Look at the Python compilation. It looks like we’re trying to invoke the formula itself, which would evaluate to a number, not a callable, so this doesn’t really make sense.

The macro is expecting at least one function in prefix notation. Sure, the macro could be modified, but maybe we can do the divide in prefix and keep the others infix? This doesn’t look too bad if you think of it like a fraction bar.

#> X#(truediv .#"(-X2 + (X2**2 - 4*X1*X3)**0.5)"
#..           .#"(2*X1)")
>>> # __main__.._macro_.L
... (lambda :
...   truediv(
...     (-X2 + (X2**2 - 4*X1*X3)**0.5),
...     (2*X1)))
<function <lambda> at ...>

Now the formula looks right, but look at the compiled Python output. This lambda takes no parameters! Python injections hide information that code-reading macros need to work. A macro that doesn’t have to read the code, like our L3 (or the bundled XYZ#), would have worked fine.

The code-reading macro was unable to detect any matching symbols because it doesn’t look inside the injected strings. In principle, it could have, but it might be a lot more work if you want it to be reliable. It could function if the highest parameter also appeared outside the string, but at that point, you might as well use a normal lambda.

Regex might be good enough for a simple case like this, but even if you write it very carefully, are you sure you’re catching all the edge cases? To really do it right, you’d have to parse the Python to AST, understand the structure (not exactly trivial), search it, and then keep it up to date with new versions of Python, since it’s not an especially stable API.

The whole point of using Hissp instead is so you don’t have to do all this. Hissp is a kind of AST with lower complexity. It’s just tuples. Stay out of parsing text.

Arguably, our final %# or X# macro didn’t do it right either, since it still detects the anaphors even if they’re quoted, but this level of correctness is good enough for Clojure’s function literals, which have the same issue. A simple basic syntax means there are relatively few edge cases you have to be aware of.

Hissp is so simple that a full code-walking macro would only have to pre-expand all macros, and handle atoms, calls, quote, and lambda.

If you add injections to the list, then you also have to handle the entirety of all Python expressions. Don’t expect Hissp macros to do this. Be reluctant to use Python injections, and be aware of where they might break things. They’re mainly useful as performance optimizations (but can be convenient when used judiciously). In principle, you should be able to do everything else without them.

More Literals#

While other data types in code must be built up from the primitive notation, Python has built-in notation for certain common ones. (And Lissp inherits most of these.)

This can be very convenient compared to the alternative. Imagine if you had to represent text as lists of numbers. That’s closer to what the machine uses in memory. Many common programming tasks would become very tedious that way. Thus, the need for string literal notation.

But the available notations are somewhat arbitrary. Many languages in common use lack Python’s notation for complex numbers, for example. Python, on the other hand, currently lacks built-in notation for exact fractions, which many Lisps include. Other languages made other selections, which may make them more or less convenient for certain problem domains.

What notations would an ideal language have? Every conceivable “primitive”? Such a language would be more difficult to learn. It’s much easier to familiarize oneself with a small set of primitive notations, and the means of combination. And in any case, many desirable notations would collide and then be ambiguous.

Hissp has a better way: extensibility through simplicity.

With Lissp’s reader macros, we can create new notation as-needed, with an overhead of just a few characters for a tag to disambiguate from the built-ins (and each other). You only have to learn a new notation when it’s worth your while.


You can use Python’s int builtin to convert a string containing a hexadecimal number to the corresponding integer value.

>>> int("FF", 16)

Of course, Python already has a built-in notation for this, disambiguated from normal base-ten ints using the 0x tag.

>>> 0xFF

But what if it didn’t?

About the best Python could do would be something like this.

>>> def b16(x):
...     return int(x, 16)
>>> b16("FF")

Lissp gives us a better option.

(defmacro \16\# (x)
  (int x 16))

We’ve defined a tag that turns hexadecimal strings into ints. And it does it so at read time. There’s no run-time overhead for the conversion; the result is compiled in.

This works,

#> 16#FF
>>> (255)

however, this doesn’t.

#> 16#12
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: int() can't convert non-string with explicit base

What’s going on? Well, FF is a valid identifier, so it reads as a string containing that identifier, but 12 is a valid base-ten int, so it’s read as an int. Python’s int builtin doesn’t do base conversions for those.

>>> int(12, 16)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: int() can't convert non-string with explicit base

No matter, this is an easy fix. Convert it to a string, and it works regardless of which type you start with.

>>> int(str(12), 16)
>>> int(str("FF"), 16)

New version.

(defmacro \16\# (x)
  (int (str x) 16))

And now it works as well as the built-in notation.

#> '(16#ff 0xff 16#12 0x12 16#FEED_FACE 0xFEED_FACE)
>>> ((255),
...  (255),
...  (18),
...  (18),
...  (4277009102),
...  (4277009102),)
(255, 255, 18, 18, 4277009102, 4277009102)

Or does it?

#> -16#1
  File "<console>", line 1
SyntaxError: Unknown reader macro Qz_16

The minus sign changed the tag! If we don’t want to define a new -16# tag (which is one option), we’d have to put the sign after.

#> 16#-1
>>> (-1)

That worked. Not.

#> 16#-FF
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 16: 'Qz_FF'

But this is fine.

#> 16#.#"-FF"
>>> (-255)

What’s going on? Symbols do read as strings, but special characters get munged!

Remember, Lissp’s reader macros are applied to the next parsed object, not to the next token from the lexer, and certainly not to the raw character stream. This makes them more like Clojure’s tagged literals than like Common Lisp’s reader macros.

The 16# reader macro was very easy to implement when you only applied it to strings, but since it can take multiple types, you have to be sure to handle each of them.

Fortunately, we can fix this too, because munging is (mostly) reversible.

(defmacro \16\# (x)
  (int (hissp..demunge (str x))
#> 16#-FF
>>> (-255)

But what’s the point of all of this when we already have hexadecimal notation built in? Well, with reader macros, you can implement any base you want.

(defmacro \6\# (x)
  (int (str x) 6))
#> '(6#5 6#10 6#11 6#12)
>>> ((5),
...  (6),
...  (7),
...  (8),)
(5, 6, 7, 8)

#> 6#543210
>>> (44790)

Or you can add floating-point. Python’s notation can’t do that.

(defmacro \16\# (x)
  (let (x (hissp..demunge (str x)))
    (if-else ( "[.Pp]" x)
      (float.fromhex x)
      (int x 16))))
#> '(16#FEED_FACE 16#-FEED.FACE 16#0.1 16#-.2 16#.4 16#-.8)
>>> ((4277009102),
...  (-65261.97970581055),
...  (0.0625),
...  (-0.125),
...  (0.25),
...  (-0.5),)
(4277009102, -65261.97970581055, 0.0625, -0.125, 0.25, -0.5)

#> 16#Cp-2 ; 12.*2**-2
>>> (3.0)


Floating-point numbers are very useful, but they have some important limitations.

>>> 0.2 * 3

Not quite what you expected? Binary floating-point can’t represent exact fifths like decimal can. For exact decimals, you need decimal floating-point.

#> (mul (decimal..Decimal "0.2") 3)
>>> mul(
...   __import__('decimal').Decimal(
...     ('0.2')),
...   (3))

Because it takes a single string argument, you can already use decimal.Decimal as a reader macro:

#> (mul decimal..Decimal#.#".2" 3)
>>> mul(
...   __import__('pickle').loads(  # Decimal('0.2')
...       b'cdecimal\n'
...       b'Decimal\n'
...       b'(V0.2\n'
...       b'tR.'
...   ),
...   (3))

It’s kind of long though.

Notice that Hissp had to use a pickle here, because it had to emit code for the object, but Python has no literal notation for Decimal objects.

The reader macro didn’t inject the code for making a Decimal, but an actual Decimal object, at read time. The pickling isn’t done by the reader. It doesn’t happen until the compiler has to emit something that it doesn’t have a round-tripping representation for.

Something like this never goes through a pickle.

#> 'builtins..repr#decimal..Decimal#.#".2"
>>> "Decimal('0.2')"

It changed to a string before the compiler had to emit it.

Decimal can also take float objects, but this isn’t always a good idea.

#> decimal..Decimal#.2
>>> __import__('pickle').loads(  # Decimal('0.200000000000000011102230246251565404236316680908203125')
...     b'cdecimal\n'
...     b'Decimal\n'
...     b'(V0.200000000000000011102230246251565404236316680908203125\n'
...     b'tR.'
... )

There’s no bug in Decimal. That’s just the exact binary fraction closest to one-fifth, given the available precision in a float, when represented as a decimal.

Maybe we could work around this if we converted to a string first? We can improve this a lot with a custom defmacro.

(defmacro \10\# (x)
  `(decimal..Decimal ',(str x)))
#> 10#.2
>>> __import__('decimal').Decimal(
...   '0.2')

This is better. It’s a much shorter notation; there are no extra digits after the 2; and (because we used a template) it compiled to the straightforward code for a Decimal, rather than a pickle. This makes the compiled output a bit easier to read, but using code like this, rather than the Decimal object itself, may make it less useful as input to other macros. Which approach is better depends on your needs.

But there’s still a subtle problem:

#> 10#.1234567890_1234567890_000
>>> __import__('decimal').Decimal(
...   '0.12345678901234568')

#> 10#.#".1234567890_1234567890_000"
>>> __import__('decimal').Decimal(
...   '.1234567890_1234567890_000')

We have limited precision when tagging a float instead of a string. If you don’t need the precision, it’s fine. If you do, you can still use a string, but you have to be aware of this. Decimal also keeps trailing zeros to represent significant figures. But floats never do this, even when the precision is available.

It would be nice if the macro could deal with it for us, but there’s just no getting around these issues when using a float. Lissp reader macros get the parsed object, and by then, some information has been lost. One could argue that a float literal written with more precision than is available should be a syntax error, but Python doesn’t care.

In cases like this, it’s best to not use a float at all, but a string is not the only alternative available:

(defmacro \10\# (x)
  `(decimal..Decimal ',(getitem x (slice 1 None))))
#> 10#:.1234567890_1234567890_000
>>> __import__('decimal').Decimal(
...   '.1234567890_1234567890_000')

With a control word like this, you get full precision and don’t need a trailing double quote.

A Slice of Python#

Python has a powerful and compact notation for operating on slices of sequences. It has three arguments: start, stop, and step. Each one is optional, and defaults to None.

>>> "abcdefg"[-1::-2]

However, this notation is only valid in the context of a subscription operator []. It is possible to separate the operands using the slice builtin, but it comes at a cost.

(We’ll be reusing this simple “geca” test case as we iterate. Feel free to try others.)

>>> a = "abcdefg"
>>> b = slice(-1, None, -2)
>>> a[b]

There’s the cost: this separated approach is much less concise compared to the slice notation.

Even without macros, Hissp can slice this way.

#> (operator..getitem "abcdefg" (slice -1 None -2))
>>> __import__('operator').getitem(
...   ('abcdefg'),
...   slice(
...     (-1),
...     None,
...     (-2)))

This is so much longer that one would be tempted to inject the Python version. Unfortunately, the rest of the expression is often easier to write in Lissp. You can usually work around this by using let to give an easily-injectable name to a complex operand, but that adds as significant overhead.

#> (let (x "abcdefg") .#"x[-1::-2]")
>>> # let
... (lambda x=('abcdefg'):x[-1::-2])()

We need a better abstraction.

Typically, in a Python function call, optional arguments would be skipped, and the remainder passed by keyword.

slice(-1, None, -2)
slice(-1, step=-2)  # This doesn't work, but a new def could do it!

The slice builtin doesn’t support this, and, as you can see, it wouldn’t help much anyway, saving only one character (or perhaps a few more with shorter names).

In the more compact slice notation, the omitted stop argument is implied by the colons, and the final argument is still passed positionally, without the overhead of an explicit name.


Doubling commas to imply omission like this would be a syntax error in Python.


It’s not an option for Lissp either, even with macros, because arguments are separated with whitespace. We could add delimiters, but they’d need spaces around them as well.

Slice Notation as Object#

Slice notation really is hard to beat here, even in Python. It would be nice if we could take just that part of it, but it only works in the operator context. Python does have a way to convert it: the __getitem__ method.

(More bundled macros incoming. Search Hissp’s docs if you can’t figure out what they do.)

#> (define slicer ((type 'Slicer () (% '__getitem__ XY#Y))))
>>> # define
... __import__('builtins').globals().update(
...   slicer=type(
...            'Slicer',
...            (),
...            # QzPCENT_
...            (lambda x0,x1:{x0:x1})(
...              '__getitem__',
...              (lambda X,Y:Y)))())

#> .#"slicer[-1::-2]"
>>> slicer[-1::-2]
slice(-1, None, -2)

#> (getitem "abcdefg" .#"slicer[-1::-2]")
>>> getitem(
...   ('abcdefg'),
...   slicer[-1::-2])

Getting better, but not actually shorter yet.

slice(-1, None, -2)
slice(-1, step=-2)

With shorter names, we see there’s a ways to go yet.

S(-1,N,-2)  # S, N = slice, None
S(-1,c=-2)  # S = lambda a=None, b=None, c=None: slice(a, b, c)
.#"S[-1::-2]" ; (define S slicer)

Time for Macros#

We can remove the getitem overhead by using the bundled get# macro to make an itemgetter.

#> (get#.#"slicer[-1::-2]" "abcdefg")
>>> __import__('operator').itemgetter(
...   slicer[-1::-2])(
...   ('abcdefg'))

Notice we have two reader macros in a row now: get# and .#. We could consolidate these with a single reader macro. Macros can expand to any Python object at the Hissp level, including code strings. The slicer part never changes, so we could include that in the expansion. And, as we learned earlier, we can often demunge a symbol instead of using a string, although you have to be careful.

(defmacro S\# e
  `(op#itemgetter ,(.format "slicer{}" (hissp..demunge e))))
#> (S#[-1::-2] "abcdefg")
>>> __import__('operator').itemgetter(
...   slicer[-1::-2])(
...   ('abcdefg'))


(operator..getitem "abcdefg" (slice -1 None -2)) ; No macros.
(S#[-1::-2] "abcdefg") ; Slice-getter literal.
"abcdefg"[-1::-2]  # Python slice notation.

We have made a lot of progress. This is pretty good. Python is better. There’s still room for improvement. Check this out.

#> '[ ; This is a symbol too!
>>> 'QzLSQB_'

Lissp doesn’t care, but Parinfer likes to keep [] and {} balanced. They’re literal notation in Clojure, and sometimes used paired in other Lisps. Currently, best practice is to keep them balanced, even in symbols, But they’re OK individually if you escape them.

Also, the reader macro is a bit sloppy. Best practice is (usually) to surround string injections with (). Sometimes it matters, and macros don’t know their expansion context.

#> (.bit_length .#"7")
>>> 7.bit_length()
Traceback (most recent call last):
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

#> (.bit_length .#"(7)")
>>> (7).bit_length()

And slicer is only valid where that’s a global and hasn’t been shadowed by a local. This means the macro wouldn’t work in another module, and might subtly break if someone uses the wrong word. Normally templates qualify symbols to avoid these problems, but since the slicer identifier was part of the string, that never had a chance to happen. Yet another reason to be cautious with string injections.

You usually want to run Hissp objects through readerless before embedding them in a code string. This lets the compiler do the conversion to Python. When run in a macro, the compiler will use the appropriate namespace: its expansion context, not (necessarily) its definition context.

#> `slicer ; qualified
>>> '__main__..slicer'

#> (hissp..readerless `slicer) ; Qualified and compiled to code string.
>>> __import__('hissp').readerless(
...   '__main__..slicer')

Notice that even though the symbol was a string already, compiling did some extra processing in this context.

Putting that all together we get

(defmacro \[\# e
  `(op#itemgetter ,(.format "({}[{})" (hissp..readerless `slicer)
                                      (hissp..demunge e))))

Notice that this requires the ] in the symbol it’s applied to. This keeps it balanced. It also pretty well ensures the argument is a symbol or at least a control word. Numbers don’t contain a ].

Now look at what we can do.

#> ([#-1::-2]"abcdefg")
>>> __import__('operator').itemgetter(
...   (__import__('builtins').globals()['slicer'][-1::-2]))(
...   ('abcdefg'))

#> ([#3]"abcdefg") ; Not restricted to slices.
>>> __import__('operator').itemgetter(
...   (__import__('builtins').globals()['slicer'][3]))(
...   ('abcdefg'))

#> (-> (@ "abc") ([#0]) ([#::-1]))
>>> # Qz_QzGT_
... __import__('operator').itemgetter(
...   (__import__('builtins').globals()['slicer'][::-1]))(
...   __import__('operator').itemgetter(
...     (__import__('builtins').globals()['slicer'][0]))(
...     # QzAT_
...     (lambda *xs:[*xs])(
...       ('abc'))))

Amazing. Not quite as concise as Python, but really close. To within a few characters.


But our version is more powerful. It’s a function object even when detached from the lookup context. And, as a macro we programmed ourselves, it’s entirely customizable. It is possible to do a little better with ! by eliminating the () and []. That gets us to within one character, but it’s probably not worth it. This is good enough.

Let’s review. This section covered a number of advanced techniques. Brackets in symbols. A code string macro leveraging partial Python syntax. The need for parentheses in injections. Demunging. Calls to runtime helpers, even in other modules. Qualifying symbols with template quote. Compiling in macros using readerless.

This macro produced a code injection. We already talked about why you should be reluctant to use those. This one is probably worth it. Python’s slice notation is that good. The alternative was injecting both operands, or using a far more verbose notation. This macro lets us use a concise notation from Python while injecting a minimal amount.

But what if we had nested a [# usage inside our X# function literals? This would usually not be a problem since the slice arguments are numeric literals. But what if one of the slice arguments was X? That’s still valid Python. Normally, that would work in an injection. But if that’s the only X, X# won’t be able to find it. Injections are somewhat opaque. Sometimes this is OK.

The [# macro works best on simple literal arguments, and works OK on local variables and their attributes: the kind of things you wouldn’t bother putting spaces around in Python. These cases are very common.

For more complex expressions, it’s probably a bad idea. You lose out on munging, module handles, and any macros. For those cases, the extra overhead for using slice is hardly noticeable. Use the right tool for the job.

A Simpler Solution#

The itemgetter function is a function factory; it’s a function to make functions, at run time. Using run time helpers like this is an important technique for writing macros, but sometimes more work can be done at compile time.

If we write a lambda form ourselves, it’s not necessary to separate the operands for the subscription operator, which means we don’t need the Slicer helper class either.


#> ((op#itemgetter (slice -1 None -2)) "abcdefg")
>>> __import__('operator').itemgetter(
...   slice(
...     (-1),
...     None,
...     (-2)))(
...   ('abcdefg'))

#> ((lambda a .#"a[-1::-2]") "abcdefg")
>>> (lambda a:a[-1::-2])(
...   ('abcdefg'))

We’d be giving up a little transparency. Notice the nice repr provided by the operator.itemgetter.

#> (op#itemgetter (slice -1 None -2))
>>> __import__('operator').itemgetter(
...   slice(
...     (-1),
...     None,
...     (-2)))
operator.itemgetter(slice(-1, None, -2))

The lambda object, on the other hand, is opaque.

#> (lambda a .#"a[-1::-2]")
>>> (lambda a:a[-1::-2])
<function <lambda> at 0x...>

But if we can eliminate the Slicer this is probably worth it.

We can pretty easily expand to this form. Our previous macro was almost there.

(defmacro \[\# e
  `(lambda ,'a ,(.format "({}[{})" 'a (hissp..demunge e))))

It works.

#> (.\[\# _macro_ '-1::-2]) ; shows Hissp expansion for [#-1::-2]
>>> _macro_.QzLSQB_QzHASH_(
...   'Qz_1QzCOLON_QzCOLON_Qz_2QzRSQB_')
('lambda', 'a', '(a[-1::-2])')

#> ([#-1::-2] "abcdefg")
>>> (lambda a:(a[-1::-2]))(
...   ('abcdefg'))

Maybe even better than expected.

#> ([#1][1] '(foo bar))
>>> (lambda a:(a[1][1]))(
...   ('foo',
...    'bar',))

Everything in the atom after the # is Python code. The initial [ does have to be closed, but after that, other Python expressions work too.

The format string could even be simplified to "(a[{})", but there’s a subtle flaw which is reason enough not to follow through with that.

#> (let (a -1)
#..  ([#a::-2] "abcdefg"))
>>> # let
... (lambda a=(-1):
...   (lambda a:(a[a::-2]))(
...     ('abcdefg')))()
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: slice indices must be integers or None or have an __index__ method

Yet it works fine with b.

#> (let (b -1)
#..  ([#b::-2] "abcdefg"))
>>> # let
... (lambda b=(-1):
...   (lambda a:(a[b::-2]))(
...     ('abcdefg')))()

See the problem? Look at the Python compilation. Our slicer version didn’t have this flaw.

Auto-qualification isn’t compatible with local variables, but since we didn’t want this accidental anaphor, we should suppress the qualification with a gensym instead of a symbol interpolation.

(defmacro \[\# e
  `(lambda ($#G) ,(.format "({}[{})" '$#G (hissp..demunge e))))

Read this carefully. $# only works inside of templates, but it’s still allowed in an unquote context inside of a template; the template context hasn’t completely turned off. unquote_context and gensym_context are both tracked by the reader.

Since we want the symbol itself, not its value, we need to quote it with '. Remember, reader macros apply inside-out, like functions, so the $# macro applies before the ' does.

It works.

#> ([#-1::-2] "abcdefg")
>>> (lambda _QzAVTK4YRWz_G:(_QzAVTK4YRWz_G[-1::-2]))(
...   ('abcdefg'))

Notice the gensym in the expansion (your template hash may be diferent than mine), which would prevent the kind of accidental name collision we saw in our let a example.

And this is the bundled version, sans docstring. It has no dependencies; no helpers. Now you understand how it works, know its limitations, its tricks, and how to implement it yourself. Superpower stolen.