
abstract syntax tree#

An intermediate tree data structure used by most compilers after parsing a programming language. The AST stage of Lissp is Hissp, and Lissp is a pretty direct representation of it.

anaphoric macro#

An anaphoric macro creates one or more lexical (local) variable bindings without explicitly naming them. Such a bound name is called an anaphor.


A form that is either the empty tuple () or not of type tuple. Atoms are the leaf elements of Hissp’s syntax trees, while non-empty tuples are the nodes. is_node tests for the non-leaves, so its negation tests for atoms.

bare token#

An object token without the initial character marking it as a comment token (;), Unicode token ("), fragment token (|), or control token (:). It is either a literal token, or failing that, a symbol token.

comment token#

An object token consisting of one or more lines, possibly indented with spaces, each starting with a semicolon (;) character. Comment tokens read as hissp.reader.Comment instances, a type that is normally discarded by the reader. However, they can still be arguments for a tagging token.

control token#

An object token that begins with a colon : character. It reads as a control word, a type of str atom.

control word#

A str atom that begins with a colon : character. These normally compile directly to Python string literals with the same contents (including the leading colon), but may have special interpretation in some contexts. (Both Python and other Lisps use the term “keyword”, but they mean different things, including Lisp’s equivalent concept.) is_control tests for control words.

discard tag#
discarded item#

_#. A special tag used to structurally disable parts of code during development, for commentary, or as a doorstop. The argument to a discard tag is the discarded item. It is unique among tagging tokens in that it doesn’t return a parsed object at all. Although a tag could achieve a similar effect by returning a (normally discarded) hissp.reader.Comment instance or by consuming two parsed objects and returning the second one unchanged, the discard tag (like all special tags) is unary, making it applicable to the last (or only) element in a tuple (such as a doorstop), and a discarded item cannot be an argument to another tagging token, unlike a Comment instance, which allows its use for commentary between a tagging token and one of its arguments.


A discarded item used to “hold open” a bracket trail or avoid a )) in line. Any discarded item used this way is functionally a doorstop, but, in Lissp, the typical style starts with _#/ and may continue with a label of what form the next ) is closing, like _#/foo, similar to XML tags.


End-of-file. In most Unix terminals, use a Ctrl+D, or Ctrl+Z Enter in Windows. Quits a subREPL without also terminating the Python session, unlike (exit), and works similarly in most shells.


An object meant for evaluation; a Hissp expression for passing to the Hissp compiler.


A fragment token, fragment atom, or python fragment, depending on context.

fragment atom#

A str atom that is not a control word, especially if it does not simply contain an identifier or literal. So called because the compiler’s usual interpretation is to emit the contents directly (making the contents a Python fragment), although there is a preprocessing step for imports (see module handle).

fragment token#

An object token that begins and ends with a vertical line (|) character. Internal vertical lines must be escaped as two vertical lines (||). It reads directly as a str atom, which typically becomes a fragment atom, hence the name. In the case that the fragment token begins with |:, it becomes a control word instead.

full qualifier#
full qualification#
fully-qualified identifier#

A module handle prepended to a qualified name and separated with a . is a fully-qualified identifier; it’s the path of attribute access from the full import path of the module, which is enough to get a reference to the object from anywhere. Compiles to attribute access from an __import__ expression. E.g.,, or, with fewer segments, foo..spam. The full qualifier part is everything but the last segment, commonly used as an argument to alias. Full qualification is the process of adding a full qualifier or the state of having a full qualifier.

gensym hash#

A generated symbol. These are produced by the gensym tag. A gensym hash is unique to the template it was created in. This prevents accidental name collisions in macro expansions. A gensym hash is mostly used for local variables because they can’t be disambiguated with a full qualifier.

gensym tag#

$#. A special tag only valid in a template for creating a gensym. Prepends a gensym hash to its argument, or replaces $ characters with it.


The project at The package produced by the project. The language of Python data structures used by the project, which hissp.compiler can transpile into executable Python code. The Python data structures encoding this language: a form, or a series of them. This is also the AST stage of Lissp, a programming language implemented in terms of Hissp.

hissp injection#

Any atom of nonstandard type (or the use thereof), i.e., anything the compiler doesn’t have a literal notation for, which it would have to attempt to emit as a pickle expression. This includes instances of standard types without a literal notation (e.g., float is a standard type, but math.nan has no literal) or collections containing nonstandard elements or cycles. A macro expansion may be an injection. Besides macro expansions, in readerless mode, this almost always requires the use of non-literal notation, (i.e., notation not accepted by ast.literal_eval). In Lissp, this almost always requires the use of a tagging token. (A notable exception is a float literal big enough in magnitude to overflow to inf or -inf, e.g., 1e999. The compiler still considers this nonstandard because that’s not its repr, and would emit a pickle expression for it.) Basic container types containing only standard elements do not count as injections, because the compiler has a notation for them, even though Lissp doesn’t.

hissp string#

A form or parsed object which would directly represents a string in Hissp, if evaluated on its own. All string literal fragments are Hissp strings. A quoted str atom is also a Hissp string. is_hissp_string tests for Hissp strings.

inject tag#

.#. A special tag which evaluates the next parsed object and returns its result. So named because it’s typically used to make an injection, although it can result in an object of any type.


Either a Python injection or a Hissp injection, depending on context.


A tuple form that looks like a function call is an invocation. May actually compile to a run-time function call, or may instead be a special form or macro form, which calls a macro at compile time. Or the process of making such a call.

kwarg token#

A single-argument tagging token ending in an equals sign (=) and read as a hissp.reader.Kwarg instance. Used as keyword arguments for a tag.

literal token#

A bare token that is a valid Python literal, as determined by ast.literal_eval, but not of a container type. It reads as an atom of that type.


A macro function or macro form, depending on context.

macro expansion#

The process of invoking a macro, or the resulting form.

macro form#

A form which represents some other form, called its expansion. Compilation invokes a macro to make the substitution.

macro function#

A metaprogram meant to run at compile time. A callable attribute of a _macro_ namespace.


A metaprogram is a program that writes code. Typically, this means the callable referred to by tag or macro syntax, or helper functions used for abbreviations in readerless mode. But the compiler itself is also a kind of metaprogram. Metaprogramming is the process of writing metaprograms.

module handle#

A str atom containing a .-separated path ending in a ., representing an import path for a module. Any segments before the module name are package names. E.g., or foo.. The compiler processes it into a __import__ expression before emission.


The process of replacing characters invalid in a Python identifier with Quotez equivalents. Primarily used to make a symbol token into a str atom containing a valid Python identifier (a symbol). The munging machinery is in hissp.munger.

object token#

A type of token which by itself results in a parsed object when passed to the Lissp parser. These are what the reader considers nouns. Typically emitted as an atom, but may instead be arguments to a tagging token.

params tuple#
params symbol#

The first argument to the lambda special form. It represents the lambda parameters. Typically either a tuple or a str atom, but other iterables can work. Also a macro argument that becomes the whole params argument in a lambda expansion, such as the first argument to let-from or any*map. The equivalent concept is called the “lambda list” in Common Lisp, and the “params vector” in Clojure, but Hissp is made of tuples, not linked-lists or vectors, hence “params tuple” when written with a tuple.

parsed object#

The result of parsing an object token; or a tagging token with its arguments (except the discard tag); or a balanced pair of parentheses (open ( and close ) tokens), with their contents (if any). Typically emitted as a form, but may instead be arguments to a tagging token.

pickle expression#

The compiler’s final fallback emission when it doesn’t have a literal notation for an atom. It’s an import of pickle.loads passed a bytes literal containing a serialization of the object. Evaluating it should result in an equivalent object.

python fragment#

A piece of Python code, especially one emitted by the compiler. Typically a Python expression, but not necessarily anything complete. The compiler assembles and emits fragments to produce compiled output.

python injection#

The technique of writing a Python fragment rather than allowing the Hissp machinery to do it for you, or the fragments so used or the fragment atom containing one. A text macro works via Python injection. Injection is discouraged because it bypasses a lot of Hissp’s machinery, and is opaque to code-walking macros, making them less useful or risking errors. However, the compiler only targets a subset of Python expressions. Injection transcends that limitation. Injection of identifiers is considered standard in Hissp, so is not discourarged. A Lissp Unicode token reads as a string literal fragment, rather than as a quoted str atom, making them an example of injection as well. This usage is standard in Lissp.

partial qualification#
partially qualified identifier#

A str atom containing a .-separated identifier path prepended to an identifier is a qualified identifier. Compiles to Python attribute access syntax. If this is the path from the containing module, the result is a qualified name. If this includes a module handle, it’s full qualification, if qualification is not full, it’s partial. A qualified name is partial qualification, but partial qualification is not necessarily a qualified name, because the path may start from some namespace other than the module globals. The qualifier part is everything but the last segment. Qualification is the process of adding a qualifier or the state of having a qualifier. hissp.macros._macro_.alias produces a tag to abbreviate a qualifier.

hard quote#

'. A special tag abbreviating the quote special form. Sometimes called a “hard quote” to distinguish it from the template quote.


The munger’s character replacement format. It’s the character’s Unicode name wrapped in Qz and _. (Spaces become x and hyphens become h.) Characters without names use their hexadecimal ordinals instead. Some ASCII characters use the short names from TO_NAME instead. The gensym hashes and hissp.compiler.MAYBE use the same Qz{}_ wrapper.

read time#

The phase before compilation proper that translates Lissp to Hissp: when the reader runs and when tagging tokens are activated.

readerless mode#

A representation of forms in the Python language using mostly literals. Hissp written this way does not require the use of a reader, hence it’s the “readerless” mode of writing Hissp.

read-evaluate-print loop#
read-eval-print loop#

The LisspREPL, Lissp’s interactive interpreter shell, layered on Python’s. (Or a similar language shell.) Reads Lissp input, compiles it to Python, and passes it to Python’s shell for evaluation and printing, then repeats. Used for inspection, online help, interactive development, and debugging. A subREPL is just a REPL started from within a REPL, analogous to a subshell.

special form#

A form special-cased in the compiler. These are tuples beginning with either a quote or lambda str atom. They look like function calls but act more like macros, in that arguments are not all evaluated first. While a control word is a form and can have special interpretations in certain contexts, they are not considered special forms. module handles also have a processing rule in the compiler, but aren’t considered special forms.

special tag#

One of the built-in unary tagging tokens treated as a special case in the reader.

splicing unquote#

,@. A special tag only valid in a template. Its argument is interpolated and unpacked rather than quoted first.

standalone property#

When the compiled Python output of Hissp doesn’t depend on the hissp package, it can run in a Python environment that doesn’t have hissp installed. Hissp was designed for this, but it can be lost by adding a hissp import explicitly. Using Hissp’s metaprogramming helpers only in metaprograms (or in metaprogramming helper functions only called by metaprograms) is fine because metaprograms only run at compile time (or read time), so they won’t crash at run time even when hissp cannot be imported. Forgetting to remove or disable import of transpile used in main or a package __init__ is another way the standalone property can be lost.


The standard language is a disciplined subset with full generality. Standard (readerless mode) Hissp uses str atoms only for control words and symbols (which include imports and attribute access) and avoids other Python injections. Standard Lissp also uses str atoms for string literal fragments. (Standard readerless mode instead compiles string literals exclusively via the quote special form, or nested in set, dict, or list atoms.) Other Python injections are considered nonstandard. Nonstandard constructions should be used sparingly and with care. Metaprograms are not necessarily expected to handle nonstandard Python injections, because that would require processing the much more complicated language of Python expressions, but not all nonstandard injections are problematic. The bundled tags and macros mostly avoid nonstandard injections in expansions, but (with the notable exception of mix) allow them where they would be no worse than an opaque fully-qualified identifier, or in a few cases where the user writes part of the injection. Standard Hissp also avoids importing the hissp package outside of metaprograms (and direct helpers not otherwise called) to preserve the standalone property. Standard atom types are those the compiler has a literal notation for. Use of nonstandard types can result in a pickle expression or a crash during compilation (if the atom is unpickleable).

stararg token#

One of *= or **=. A special tag which reads as a hissp.reader.Kwarg instance. Used as unpacking positional or keyword arguments (respectively) to a tag.

str atom#

An atom of type str. Usually represents a Python fragment. If it starts with a colon (:), it is a control word. May contain a module handle.

string literal fragment#

A Python fragment which ast.literal_eval would evaluate to an object of type str. Not all str atoms are string literal fragments; it must contain a Python string literal expression. is_string_literal tests for string literal fragments.


A form nested inside a tuple form; a Hissp subexpression. An (e.g.) params tuple isn’t a form, so it’s not a subform either, but a default argument inside it would be. Similarly, macro arguments don’t necessarily count as subforms.


A module handle or a Python fragment containing an identifier. (Possibly with qualification.) A symbol is always a str atom. is_symbol tests for symbols. Some identifiers are reserved in Python and can’t be used as variable/attribute names (Boolean operations, None, class, etc.) These still count as symbols.

symbol token#

A bare token that is not a literal token. These are subject to munging and read as a symbol, a type of str atom used for identifiers.

tag token#
hash tag#
module-local tag#
fully-qualified tag#

A tagging token that ends in one or more number sign (#) characters (also known as “hash” characters, making these “hash tags” when distinguishing them from other tagging tokens.) If it includes a module handle part, it’s a fully-qualified tag. Any callable accessible this way can be applied as a tag. E.g. builtins..str.format##, fractions..Fraction#, textwrap..dedent#, etc. If it doesn’t, it refers to a module-local metaprogram stored in the module’s _macro_ namespace. These usually need to be pure or at least idempotent, as the REPL or similar tooling may have to make multiple attempts at applying them.

tagging token#

A type of token that, when read, consumes one or more parsed objects and results in a parsed object. These can be thought of as reader adjectives. They serve a function similar to reader macros in other Lisps, but operate on the parsed object stream (parser level), not the raw character stream (lexer level). Think Clojure/EDN tags, not Common Lisp reader macros.


A template quote and its argument, a domain-specific language (DSL) for creating a form, supporting tuple interpolation, gensyms, and automatic full qualification. Can also be used for data, not just code. Typically used in the definition of a macro function.

template quote#
soft quote#

`. A special tag starting a template. The equivalent concept is called a “quasiquote” or “syntax quote” in other Lisps.

text macro#

A macro that expands to a str atom instead of some other form, especially if the str atom doesn’t simply contain a string literal or (possibly qualified) identifier. Effectively, they return Python code, rather than Hissp, which makes them opaque to Hissp metaprogramming, like pre-expanding, code-walking macros.


A lexical unit of Lissp. This is how the reader chunks Lissp in preparation for parsing. Some are considered implementation details, but a Lissp programmer should be able to mentally parse the language.

top level#
top-level form#

A form not nested inside another form, or the location of such a form. “Top” here means the top of the syntax tree rather than the top of the file. Each top-level form is a compilation unit. A macro defined in a top-level form cannot affect any other subform in the same top-level form, because by the time it exists, the top-level form has already been compiled. Injection of a Python statement is only valid at the top level.

unicode token#

An object token that begins and ends with a quotation mark (") character. They may contain newline characters like Python’s triple-quoted string literals, as is typical of Lisps. Internal quotation marks must be escaped with a preceding reverse solidus (\) character. It reads as a string literal fragment, specifically, a str atom containing a Python string literal wrapped in parentheses.


An identifier without a qualifier. An unqualified tag is only valid if it’s available as an attribute in the current module’s _macro_ namespace, and similarly for an unqualified macro. A unqualified variable is valid if it’s in the builtins module, a global of the current module, or a variable in the current lexical scope.


,. A special tag only valid in a template. Its argument is directly interpolated rather than quoted first.