Source code for hissp.compiler

# Copyright 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 Matthew Egan Odendahl
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

The Hissp data-structure language compiler and associated helper functions.

import ast
import builtins
import pickle
import pickletools
import re
import sys
from contextlib import contextmanager, suppress
from contextvars import ContextVar
from functools import wraps
from itertools import chain, starmap, takewhile
from pprint import pformat
from traceback import format_exc
from types import ModuleType
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, NewType, Tuple, TypeVar, Union
from warnings import warn

PAIR_WORDS = {":*": "*", ":**": "**", ":?": ""}
# Module Macro container
MACROS = "_macro_"
# Macro from foreign module
MACRO = f"..{MACROS}."
MAYBE = "..QzMaybe_."
RE_MACRO = re.compile(rf"({re.escape(MACRO)}|{re.escape(MAYBE)})")

NS = ContextVar("NS", default=None)
Sometimes a macro needs the current namespace when expanding,
instead of its defining namespace.
Rather than pass in an implicit argument to all macros,
it's available here.
`readerless` uses this automatically.

Sentinel = NewType("Sentinel", object)
_SENTINEL = Sentinel(object())

[docs]class CompileError(SyntaxError): """Catch-all exception for compilation failures."""
def _trace(method): @wraps(method) def tracer(self, expr) -> str: try: return method(self, expr) except Exception as e: self.error = e message = ( "\nCompiler.{}() {}:\n {}".format( method.__name__, type(e).__name__, format_exc() if method.__name__ == "macro" else e, ).replace("\n", "\n# ") + "\n" ) return f"(> > > >>{pformat(expr)}<< < < <){message}" return tracer
[docs]class PostCompileWarning(Warning): """Form compiled to Python, but its execution failed. Only possible when compiling in evaluate mode and not in __main__. Would be a "Hissp Abort!" instead when in __main__, but other modules can be allowed to continue compiling for debugging purposes. Continuing execution after a failure can be dangerous if non-main modules have side effects besides definitions. Warnings can be upgraded to errors if this is a concern. See `warnings` for how. """
[docs]class Compiler: """ The Hissp recursive-descent compiler. Translates the Hissp data-structure language into a functional subset of Python. """ def __init__(self, qualname="__main__", ns=None, evaluate=True): self.qualname = qualname self.ns = self.new_ns(qualname) if ns is None else ns self.evaluate = evaluate self.error = False self.abort = None
[docs] @staticmethod def new_ns(name, doc=None, package=None) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Imports the named module, creating it if necessary. Returns the module's ``__dict__``. """ mod = ModuleType(name, doc) mod.__annotations__ = {} mod.__package__ = package mod.__builtins__ = builtins if name != "__main__": mod = sys.modules.setdefault(name, mod) return vars(mod)
[docs] def compile(self, forms: Iterable) -> str: """ Compile multiple forms, and execute them if evaluate mode enabled. """ result: List[str] = [] for i, form in enumerate(forms, 1): form = self.form(form) if self.error: e = self.error self.error = False raise CompileError("\n" + form) from e result.extend(self.eval(form, i)) if self.abort: print("Hissp abort!", self.abort, sep="\n", file=sys.stderr) self.abort = None # To allow REPL debugging. sys.exit(1) return "\n\n".join(result)
[docs] @_trace def form(self, form) -> str: """ Compile Hissp form to the equivalent Python code in a string. `tuple` and `str` have special evaluation rules, otherwise it's an `atom` that represents itself. """ if type(form) is tuple and form: return self.tuple(form) if type(form) is str and not form.startswith(":"): return self.str(form) return self.atom(form)
[docs] @_trace def tuple(self, form: Tuple) -> str: """Compile `call`, `macro`, or `special` forms.""" head, *tail = form if type(head) is str: return self.special(form) return
[docs] @_trace def special(self, form: Tuple) -> str: """Try to compile as special form, else `invocation`. The two special forms are ``quote`` and `lambda<function>`. A quote form evaluates to its argument, treated as literal data, not evaluated. Notice the difference in the `readerless` compiled output. >>> print(readerless(('print',42,))) # function call print( (42)) >>> print(readerless(('quote',('print',42,),))) # tuple ('print', (42),) """ if form[0] == "quote": return self.atom(*form[1:]) if form[0] == "lambda": return self.function(form) return self.invocation(form)
[docs] @_trace def function(self, form: Tuple) -> str: R""" Compile the anonymous function special form. (lambda (<parameters>) <body>) The parameters tuple is divided into (<singles> : <pairs>) Parameter types are the same as Python's. For example, >>> readerless( ... ('lambda', ('a',':/','b' ... ,':', 'e',1, 'f',2 ... ,':*','args', 'h',4, 'i',':?', 'j',1 ... ,':**','kwargs',) ... ,42,) ... ) '(lambda a,/,b,e=(1),f=(2),*args,h=(4),i,j=(1),**kwargs:(42))' The special control words ``:*`` and ``:**`` designate the remainder of the positional and keyword parameters, respectively. Note this body evaluates expressions in sequence, for side effects. >>> print(readerless( ... ('lambda', (':',':*','args',':**','kwargs',) ... ,('print','args',) ... ,('print','kwargs',),) ... )) (lambda *args,**kwargs:( print( args), print( kwargs))[-1]) You can omit the right of a pair with ``:?`` (except the final ``**kwargs``). Also note that the body can be empty. >>> readerless( ... ('lambda', (':','a',1, ':/',':?', ':*',':?', 'b',':?', 'c',2,),), ... ) '(lambda a=(1),/,*,b,c=(2):())' The ``:`` may be omitted if there are no paired parameters. >>> readerless(('lambda', ('a','b','c',':',),),) '(lambda a,b,c:())' >>> readerless(('lambda', ('a','b','c',),),) '(lambda a,b,c:())' >>> readerless(('lambda', (':',),),) '(lambda :())' >>> readerless(('lambda', (),),) '(lambda :())' The ``:`` is required if there are any pair parameters, even if there are no single parameters: >>> readerless(('lambda', (':',':**','kwargs',),),) '(lambda **kwargs:())' """ fn, parameters, *body = form assert fn == "lambda" return f"(lambda {self.parameters(parameters)}:{self.body(body)})"
[docs] @_trace def parameters(self, parameters: Iterable) -> str: """Process parameters to compile `function`.""" parameters = iter(parameters) r = [ {":/": "/", ":*": "*"}.get(a, a) for a in takewhile(lambda a: a != ":", parameters) ] for k, v in _pairs(parameters): if k == ":*": r.append("*" if v == ":?" else f"*{v}") elif k == ":/": r.append("/") elif k == ":**": r.append(f"**{v}") elif v == ":?": r.append(k) else: r.append(f"{k}={self.form(v)}") return ",".join(r)
[docs] @_trace def body(self, body: list) -> str: """Compile body of `function`.""" if len(body) > 1: return f"({_join_args(*map(self.form, body))})[-1]" if not body: return "()" result = self.form(body[0]) return ("\n" * ("\n" in result) + result).replace("\n", "\n ")
[docs] @_trace def invocation(self, form: Tuple) -> str: """Try to compile as `macro`, else normal `call`.""" if (res := self.macro(form)) is not _SENTINEL: if res.startswith("#") and res.lstrip("#").startswith(f" {form[0]}\n"): return f"#{res}" # Abbreviate direct recursion. return f"# {form[0]}\n{res}" form = form[0].replace(MAYBE, "..", 1), *form[1:] return
[docs] @_trace def macro(self, form: Tuple) -> Union[str, Sentinel]: """Macroexpand and start over with `form`, if it's a macro.""" head, *tail = form if (macro := self._get_macro(head)) is not None: with self.macro_context(): return self.form(macro(*tail)) return _SENTINEL
def _get_macro(self, head): parts = RE_MACRO.split(head, 1) head = head.replace(MAYBE, MACRO, 1) if len(parts) > 1: return self._qualified_macro(head, parts) return self._unqualified_macro(head) def _qualified_macro(self, head, parts): try: if parts[0] == self.qualname: # Internal? return getattr(self.ns[MACROS], parts[2]) return eval(self.str(head)) except (LookupError, AttributeError): if parts[1] != MAYBE: raise def _unqualified_macro(self, head): try: return getattr(self.ns[MACROS], head) except (LookupError, AttributeError): pass
[docs] @contextmanager def macro_context(self): """Sets `NS` during macroexpansions.""" token = NS.set(self.ns) try: yield finally: NS.reset(token)
[docs] @_trace def call(self, form: Iterable) -> str: R""" Compile call form. Any tuple that is not quoted, ``()``, or a `special` form or `macro` is a run-time call. Like Python, it has three parts: (<callable> <args> : <kwargs>). For example: >>> print(readerless( ... ('print',1,2,3 ... ,':','sep',('quote',":",), 'end',('quote',"\n\n",),) ... )) print( (1), (2), (3), sep=':', end='\n\n') Either <args> or <kwargs> may be empty: >>> readerless(('foo',':',),) 'foo()' >>> print(readerless(('foo','bar',':',),)) foo( bar) >>> print(readerless(('foo',':','bar','baz',),)) foo( bar=baz) The ``:`` is optional if the <kwargs> part is empty: >>> readerless(('foo',),) 'foo()' >>> print(readerless(('foo','bar',),),) foo( bar) The <kwargs> part has implicit pairs; there must be an even number. Use the control words ``:*`` and ``:**`` for iterable and mapping unpacking: >>> print(readerless( ... ('print',':',':*',[1,2], 'a',3, ':*',[4], ':**',{'sep':':','end':'\n\n'},), ... )) print( *[1, 2], a=(3), *[4], **{'sep': ':', 'end': '\n\n'}) Unlike other control words, these can be repeated, but (as in Python) a '*' is not allowed to follow '**'. Method calls are similar to function calls: (.<method name> <self> <args> : <kwargs>) A method on the self argument is assumed if the function name starts with a dot: >>> readerless(('.conjugate', 1j,),) '(1j).conjugate()' >>> eval(_) -1j >>> readerless(('.decode', b'\xfffoo', ':', 'errors',('quote','ignore',),),) "b'\\xfffoo'.decode(\n errors='ignore')" >>> eval(_) 'foo' """ form = iter(form) head = next(form) args = chain( (singles := [*map(self.form, takewhile(lambda a: a != ":", form))]), starmap(self._pair_arg, pairs := [*_pairs(form)]), ) if type(head) is str and head.startswith("."): if singles or pairs[0][0] == ":?": return "{}.{}({})".format(next(args), head[1:], _join_args(*args)) raise CompileError("self must be paired with :?") return "{}({})".format(self.form(head), _join_args(*args))
def _pair_arg(self, k, v): k = PAIR_WORDS.get(k, k + "=") if ".." in k: k = k.split(".")[-1] return k + self.form(v).replace("\n", "\n" + " " * len(k))
[docs] @_trace def str(self, code: str) -> str: """Compile code strings. Expands qualified identifiers and module handles into imports. Otherwise, injects as raw Python directly into the output. """ if "..." in code: return code if not all(s.isidentifier() for s in code.split(".") if s): return code if ".." in code: return self.qualified_identifier(code) elif code.endswith("."): return self.module_identifier(code) return code
[docs] def qualified_identifier(self, code): """Compile qualified identifier into import and attribute.""" parts = code.split("..", 1) if parts[0] == self.qualname: # This module. No import required. chain = parts[1].split(".", 1) # Avoid local shadowing. chain[0] = f"__import__('builtins').globals()[{self.atom(chain[0])}]" return ".".join(chain) return "__import__({0!r}{fromlist}).{1}".format( parts[0], parts[1], fromlist=",fromlist='?'" if "." in parts[0] else "" )
[docs] def module_identifier(self, code): """Compile module identifier to import.""" module = code[:-1] return f"""__import__({module !r}{",fromlist='?'" if "." in module else ""})"""
[docs] @_trace def atom(self, form) -> str: R""" Compile forms that evaluate to themselves. Emits a literal if possible, otherwise falls back to `pickle`: >>> readerless(-4.2j) '((-0-4.2j))' >>> print(readerless(float('nan'))) __import__('pickle').loads( # nan b'Fnan\n' b'.' ) >>> readerless([{'foo':2},(),1j,2.0,{3}]) "[{'foo': 2}, (), 1j, 2.0, {3}]" >>> spam = [] >>> spam.append(spam) # ref cycle can't be a literal >>> print(readerless(spam)) __import__('pickle').loads( # [[...]] b'(lp0\n' b'g0\n' b'a.' ) >>> spam = [[]] * 3 # duplicated refs >>> print(readerless(spam)) __import__('pickle').loads( # [[], [], []] b'(l(lp0\n' b'ag0\n' b'ag0\n' b'a.' ) """ if form is Ellipsis: return "..." case = type(form) if case is tuple and form: return self._lisp_normal_form(form) if case in {dict, list, set}: return self._collection(form) literal = self._format_repr(case, form) if self._try_eval(literal) == form: return literal # literal failed to round trip. Fall back to pickle. return self.pickle(form)
def _lisp_normal_form(self, form): return "({},)".format(",\n".join(map(self.atom, form)).replace("\n", "\n ")) def _collection(self, form): # Use literal if it reproduces the object graph. pickled = self.pickle(form) pretty = pformat(form, sort_dicts=False) evaled = self._try_eval(pretty) if evaled == form and pickled == self.pickle(evaled): return pretty return pickled @staticmethod def _format_repr(case, form): if case in {int, float, complex}: return f"({form!r})" # Number literals may need (). E.g. (1).real return pformat(form) # Pretty print for multiline strings. @staticmethod def _try_eval(literal): with suppress(ValueError, SyntaxError): return ast.literal_eval(literal)
[docs] @_trace def pickle(self, form) -> str: """Compile to `pickle.loads`. The final fallback for `atom`.""" # 0 is the "human-readable" backwards-compatible text protocol. dumps = pickletools.optimize(pickle.dumps(form, 0, fix_imports=False)) dumps = "\n ".join(f"{b!r}" for b in dumps.splitlines(keepends=True)) r = repr(form).replace("\n", "\n # ") nl = "\n" if "\n" in r else "" return f"__import__({pickle.__name__!r}).loads({nl} # {r}\n {dumps}\n)"
[docs] @staticmethod def linenos(form): lines = form.split("\n") digits = len(str(len(lines))) return "\n".join(f"{i:0{digits}} {line}" for i, line in enumerate(lines, 1))
[docs] def eval(self, form: str, form_number: int) -> Tuple[str, ...]: """Execute compiled form, but only if evaluate mode is enabled.""" try: if self.evaluate: filename = ( f"<Compiled Hissp #{form_number} of {self.qualname}:\n" f"{self.linenos(form)}\n" f">" ) exec(compile(form, filename, "exec"), self.ns) except Exception as e: exc = format_exc() if self.ns.get("__name__") == "__main__": self.abort = exc else: warn( f"\n {e} when evaluating form:\n{form}\n\n{exc}", PostCompileWarning ) return form, "# " + exc.replace("\n", "\n# ") return (form,)
def _join_args(*args): return (("\n" if args else "") + ",\n".join(args)).replace("\n", "\n ") T = TypeVar("T") def _pairs(it: Iterable[T]) -> Iterable[Tuple[T, T]]: it = iter(it) for k in it: try: yield k, next(it) except StopIteration: raise CompileError("Incomplete pair.") from None
[docs]def readerless(form, ns=None): """Compile a Hissp form to Python without evaluating it. Uses the current `NS` for context, unless an alternative is provided. (Creates a temporary namespace if neither is available.) Returns the Python in a string. """ if ns is None and (ns := NS.get()) is None: ns = {"__name__": "__main__"} return Compiler(evaluate=False, ns=ns).compile([form])